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Covid-19 and Leadership

Jay Kaufman

There's so much coming at us about Covid-19 and it is hard to know what is legit and what's not. Here's what I do know. We all have to get used to living with uncertainty as our constant companion. We don't - and can't - know if we'll get sick and, if so, how serious the illness will be and what toll it will take on us, on those around us, and on the economy. That's scary in extremis. And it's new. Accommodating ourselves to this will take time. It will take coping with, but not surrendering to, fear, and working hard to maintain human contact with those we love and all those around us, all the while being simultaneously careful and thoughtful. It is particularly sad that, unlike some world leaders, our President is part of the problem, not part of the solution. He has the position, but not, apparently, the ability, to help us walk through (individually and together) the uncertainty and need to adapt to our new reality. We'll just have to do this for ourselves and each other.

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